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Unleashing the Truth :- Islamic invasion in the Indian subcontinent and the Genocide

Unleashing the Truth :- Islamic invasion in the Indian subcontinent and the Genocide


Our leftist historians like Romila thapar, Irrfan habib, DN jha and many more never write about much of their genocide, these people glorified Islamic invasion which was bloodiest genocides in history of world..

We are glad to see such a peace and together in every community but the history was very cruel to us, the face of Islam which we are witnessing in today's life is very different from the older ones. There we no evidence found which can state the single case of mercy with the Hindus. All was found was just the ruins and the devastation by the royal aristocrats of the Islamic subcontinent.

Romans fell, Persia Fell, Arab Fell, Turk Fell, Greek Fell and others fell but what is astonishing is that even after invasions, Indian culture is still alive unlike rest of the nations in the world

Ahead is very long answer, since i had read many books related to this written by historian, brave heart people like David frowley, MA khan .. I will try to summarise at short as possible..

Invasion, the genocide suffered by the Hindus and Sikhs of India at the hands of Arab, Turkish, Mughal and Afghan occupying forces for a period of 800 years is as yet formally unrecognised by the World.

Taimur, the barbaric make skull of nearly 10000 hindus and captured their wifes and children… he had also done many genocide

Summary of a passage written by Irrfan Hussain in article “demons of past: wrote

“Their temples were razed, their idols smashed, their women raped, their men killed or taken slaves. When Mahmud of Ghazni entered Somnath on one of his annual raids, he slaughtered all 50,000 inhabitants. Aibak killed and enslaved hundreds of thousands. The list of horrors is long and painful. These conquerors justified their deeds by claiming it was their religious duty to smite non-believers. Cloaking themselves in the banner of Islam, they claimed they were fighting for their faith when, in reality, they were indulging in straightforward slaughter and pillage…”

A contemporary record ‘Taj-ul-Ma’asir’ by Hassn Nizam-i-Naishapuri, it is stated that                                     

When Qutb-ul- Din Aibak (of Turko – Afghan origin and the First Sultan of Delhi 1194-1210 AD) conquered Meerat, he demolished all the Hindu temples of the city and erected mosques on their sites. In the city of Aligarh, he converted Hindu inhabitants to Islam by the sword and beheaded all those who adhered to their own religion.”

Also from Arabia and West Asia, began entering India from the early century onwards. Islamic invaders demolished countless Hindu temples, shattered uncountable sculpture and idols, plundered innumerable forts and palaces of Hindu kings, killed vast numbers of Hindu men and carried off Hindu women. …

Slaves were so plentiful that they became very cheap; men… were degraded… but this is the goodness of Allah, who bestows honours on his own religion and degrades infidelity” (Muslim chronicler Utbi on Sultan Subuktigin of Ghazni’s slave raid [942-997] in Sookdheo p166)..

MA Khan, an ex - muslim has written a book on his book’ ISLAMIC JIHAD'

“From 17 raids (997-1030) Sultan Muhmud Ghazni (Turk from Afghanistan, 997-1030) sent hundreds of thousands of slaves to Ghanzi (Afghanistan) resulting in a loss of about 2 million people via slaughter or enslavement and sale outside India (Khan p 315)”

Islamic invasion - Ruins of Somnath temple
Islamic invasion - Ruins of Somnath temple

The remains of Somnath temple

Ruins: of somnath temple…

Utbi also wrote--- "Swords flashed like lightening amid the blackness of clouds, and fountains of blood flowed like the fall of setting star. The friends of god defeated their opponents… The Musalmans wreaked their vengeance on the infidel enemies of god killing 15,000 of them… making them food of the beasts and birds of prey… God also bestowed on his friends such an amount of booty as was beyond all bounds and calculations, including 500,000 slaves beautiful men and women” (Khan p 191)

Utbi, sultan's secretary gives record like this( book by KS LAL' “ Muslim slave system in medieval period" )

‘”from Thanesar, the Muslim army brought 200,000 captives back to Ghazni (Afghanistan). In 1019, 53,000 were taken. At one time the caliph’s 1/5th share was 150,000 suggesting 750,000 captives. 500,000 were taken in one campaign (at Waihind”’ ..

One thing I notice in both writers book that even poor muslims have many slaves since young girls and boys, women and widows were captured in mass no. And sell others in minimal rate..

The Ghaznivid’s ruled in the ‘Islamic sultanate of the Punjab’ till 1186. Attacks in Kashmir, Hansi, and districts of the Punjab resulted in mass slaughter and enslavement; eg 100,000 in a 1079 attack in the Punjab

-------(Tarik –i-Alfi).. present in MA KHAN “Islamic jihad” and historian KS LAL “ muslim slave system in medieval)


Sultan Alauddin Khilji (r 1296-1316) had 50,000 boys in his personal service; Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq (r 1325-51) had 20,000 and Sultan Firoz Tughlaq (r 1351-1388) had 40,000 (Firoz Tulghlaq liked to collect boys in any way and had 180,000 slaves in total (KS LAL page no.542). Several commanders under various sultans were eunuchs. Muslim historians record the ‘infatuation’ of sultans Mahmud Ghazni, Qutbuddin Aibak, and Sikandar Lodi –for handsome young boys! Sultan Mahmud was infatuated by his Hindu commander Tilak (Khan p 314)…

Bakhtiyar khilji burned down nalanda university, greatest of all time with

Thiers tradition to kill mass no. Of Hindus, make pyramids of their skulls continued to babar, humayun and so called secular Akbar(the great bastard) till aurangzeb…. Even the freedom heroic Tipu sultan was a butchers who killed brahmins, conversion to islam, rape were common in all islamic rulers…

Dr. Koenraad Elst in his book “Negation In India” wrote:

“The Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century, were for the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt down and the populations massacred, with hundreds of thousands killed in every campaign, and similar numbers deported as slaves. Every new invader made (often literally) his hills of Hindus skulls. Thus, the conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000 was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. Hindu slaughter.”

India, the land of virtuous of arts, architecture, culture was horrified by invaders.. 1000s of years of fear, rape and killings include Sikhs as well as Buddhists and jains was bloodiest of all time..

Atrocities by the Mughals

Every mughals had Harems included Indian women and European women also.. akbar the great bastard had 5000 womens and Shajahan had 2000.. abduction of hindu widows was common to them…

I haven't included much part of aurangzeb and other mughals, though they were also butchers.. nearly 40000 women commited jauhar when akbar win battle against rajputs… this is only one example of Jauhar and 16000 rajput women when khilji set eye on chittorgarh!!!!!

Jizya tax imposed to non muslims… they do every possible thing to torture us all…

slaughter, slavery, rape, violence, pillage; destruction of religious sites, art and architecture; poverty, exploitation, humiliation, , forced conversion, decline in intellectual pursuits, social destruction and a worsening of social ills .. anything left?

Since britishers was also very cruel caused poverty, illiteracy among indians but here I will only cover genocide by Islamic invaders..

Impact of this:: here I am keen to discuss impact of these butchers…

1.       Poverty and illiteracy rises since they seize lands, destroy schools and gurukuls.. carried young children as slaves or sex slaves..


2.       Status of women: Those who think that ancient india was like medieval, definitely fan of Romila thapar.. Women before invasion were learned, knowledgeable, warriors, well versed in arts and paintings, singing and dancing were source for economic independence.. women have a share of property noted by historian like al biruni.. Strirdhan, personal property of women.. even in cholas kingdom they were administrators..they conduct religious rituals and wife of merchants and worthy family were at task of donations to meet people..

Atrocities on Indian Women during Islamic invasion


3.       Increse case of sati: sati was present in ancient india but was restricted to some communities and specially in kshatriya..but there is proof of very little cases of sati since it isn't done by whole india and not all women… but during invasion it became a common practice among all communities and caste to burn widows since it hard to protect them by those rapist… also poverty risen among communities and safety for family give rise to this practice!!!


4.       Child marriage: although as noted by al Biruni child marriage were common to some brahmins community mainly but not whole india.. people generally married to a women when she became mature around menstruation which occured in age of mainly 16… but during medieval period girl child become burden as it is hard to protect a girl.. safety of concern give rise to get a boy child.. also due to poverty and illiteracy , child marriage of 9-12 year with men in late 30s risen since prople want to get rid of girls as in those times it was hard to save dignity of women and provide her education due to poverty and fear among people..


5.       Restricting women freedom. As I mention earlier women were then largely confined to homes and purdah system emerges which was never a part of Indian culture.. ghoonghat which was done in only marriages and to protect hair from dust and air became a social norm among Indians to cover whole body of women …


6.       Deterioration of India's culture, destruction of many hindu libraries of text which further lead to move away your ancient texts of knowledge…


7.       Dowry system. : Another evil custom kills thousands of women was never a part of indian culture… Al BIRUNI- (around 10- 11 century )said that they do marriages with principle and without any gift.. groom gives a gift to women and she can return if she denied from marriage!!! As needs of boy rises to economically support family and protect it, women's personal property became a property of family. There was no proof of dowry in ancient india!!! Girl child as a burden lead peoples to kill them as either they have to give a dowry for marriage or they will get raped of sent outside.. their education was stopped which made women victim of domestic abuse..


8.       Widowhood as a curse- since their dependence on male increases during medieval time and were largely restricted to home, they were seen as burden so either they killed them or shave their head, make then to wear white dress, restricted to participate in outside activities… remarriage demands dowry and money so people restricted widow remarriage ..this became norm and added to culture in later generations…


There a popular quora writer wrote that islamic invasion has no impact on wome status.. I dont know what was her source …

In Vijaynagar kingdom women were present in each and every field. Nuniz, another famous traveler to the South also agrees to it and says that women were employed in writing accounts of expenses, recording the affairs of kingdom, which shows that they were educated. according to famous historian IbnBatuta there were 13 schools for girls and 24 for boys in Honavar..

then came Islamic invasion slaughter, slavery, rape, violence, pillage; destruction of religious sites, art and architecture; poverty, exploitation, humiliation, famine, forced conversion, decline in intellectual pursuits, social destruction and a worsening of social ills.Anything left?

I'm not saying we were so innocent, some indians were also supporting this but it was largely a impact of invasion..

EG: those who still not get my point tell me one thing, why today many families not allow girls to go outside during night or without a guardian even in day, bcoz of impact of rape statistics of India, tell me if in a society thousands women get raped , will u allow daughter to step outside home during those butchers time? ofcouse no!!!

This Is not even half of picture of medieval period but only a trailer…

India isn't alone in case women, one such example Is of ancient Persia or Iran.. When Persian kingdom established they give full rights to men and women both.. women were warriors, merchants, administrators, men and women were equally paid they could own land, conduct business .. they could travel alone, right to rule… many female queen were present in ancient Persia… They were individual, could choose own partners untill arrival of islamic invasions and rest is history, see modern day or medieval day ..

Afterwards, the long-standing recognition of women as autonomous individuals, capable of deciding their own fate, was replaced by the concept of women as second-class citizens, inherently sinful, and requiring male guidance and control.


                  PERSECUTION OF HINDUS (Wikipedia)

You can also follow Prince Yadav on Quora for exploring more deeper knowledge regarding the HISTORY and various stuff related to culture.

Thank you for reading and giving your time. Stay with the blog to explore some more knowledge and information to deepen your roots in this ever growing world.


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