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Unleashing the Truth :- Akbar the Great or Not-so-great??

Unleashing the Truth :- Is Akbar really a great emperor, the darksides

By Prince Yadav 

Is Akbar really a great emperor??

Well in india there are many who are worshipped by leftist, pseudo secular but I want to point out about one who is treated as Secular..

Akbar the not so great:

Well let me clarify one thing, ofcourse he did abolished Jizya, but that doesn't mean he became a secular truly.. there are his darksides of his character!!!! He was little bit good compared to other bcoz of his some philosophy but one thing we need to learn that Abu - fazl who wrote Akbarnama talks about him as something divine!!! He highly emphasized on his character to be a very secular … And those who say about sati, child marriage and widow remarriage of which he talks about let me clear it anything wasn't done.. 
He do talk about to regulate it but didn't do anything.. It was Abu fazl who write about him as divine since he was sitting next to Akbar and praises him a lot!!

First there is a misconception that he didn't behead Samrat hemchandra.. But as read about both badauni and Abu fazl he did behead his head!! Hemu father was killed for not accepting Islam!!!

Many people say that harem was for royal ladies kings family women lived there, false Akbar has 5000 women in his harem.. Abu fazl tell us that after each winning he used to get beautiful daughter, girls, their workers from defeated side..
Ofcourse other royal women lived there but that doesn't mean the 5000 women weren't get captured .. Ain-i-Akbari says, “…His majesty has established a wine shop near the palace. The prostitutes of the realm collected at the shop could scarcely be counter, so large was their number. The dancing girls used to be taken home by the courtiers. If any well known courtier wanted to have a virgin they should first have His majesty’s permission. In the same way, boys prostituted themselves, and drunkenness and ignorance soon lead to bloodshed. His Majesty himself called some of the prostitutes and asked them who had deprived them of their virginity?”

Even historian Vincent smith talks about Akbar's lust for women..Akbar, throughout his life, allowed himself ample latitude in the matter of wives and concubines! Akbar had introduced a whole host of Hindu the daughters of eminent Hindu Rajah’s into his harem.”

Dr. Srivastava wrote the following in his book ‘Akbar – The Mogul – “(after the ‘Jauhar’ that followed the killing of Rani Durgawati) the two women left alive, Kamalavati (sister of Rani Durgawati) and the daughter of the Raja of Purangad (daughter-in-law of the deceased queen) were sent to Agra to enter Akbar’s harem.”

The court of young Akbar, age 13, showing his first imperial act: the arrest of an unruly courtier, who was once a favourite of Akbar's father. Illustration from a manuscript of the Akbarnama
The court of young Akbar, age 13, showing his first imperial act: the arrest of an unruly courtier, who was once a favourite of Akbar's father. Illustration from a manuscript of the Akbarnama
Source :- Wikipedia

Even if u read about His siege of chittor more than 1000s of women burn themselves in Jauhar, bcoz they knw they can be taken as slaves!! After defeating Army, akbar entered in chittor and ordered to kill 30K innocent peasant include women, children and men!!! Tolerance right?

Even after defeat he introduced Fathnama-I- Chittor in which he states “ Allah gave me task to destroy wicked hindu kafirs, at his command I destroyed places of hindu kafirs by performing Jihad, I raised standards of Islam everywhere but killing kafirs, I destroyed places of idol worshipping in many parts of hindustan!!”” [proceedings of indian history congress vol 33 page 330]

An extraordinary incident which occurred in April while the royal camp was at Thanesar, the famous Hindu place of pilgrimage to the north of Delhi, throws a rather unpleasant light on Akbar’s character. The Sanyasins assembled at the holy tank were divided into two parties, called the Kurs and Puris. The leader of the latter complained to the King that that the Kurs had unjustly occupied the accustomed sitting place of the Puris who were thus debarred from collecting the pilgrims’ alms.”

They were asked to decide the issue by mortal combat. “Akbar seeing that the Puris were outnumbered gave a signal to some of his savage followers to help the weaker party.”

Eventually, Akbar saw to it that both the sects were completely annihilated by his own soldiers. What a great ruler he was to have enjoyed the killings of holy Hindu men who’d come to him for justice!!!

Xavier, a Jesuit in Akbar’s court, gives a typical instance of Akbar’s perfidy in making people drink water in which his feet had been washed. Vincent Smith[ book: Akbar the great Mogul] writes, “…as a Prophet, wishing it to be understood that he works miracles through healing the sick by means of the water in which he washed the feet.”

Badauni says that this special type of humiliation was reserved by Akbar only for Hindus – “…if other than Hindus came, and wished to become disciples at any sacrifice, His Majesty reproved them.” Religious tolerance anyone?

Yet another one of Xavier’s letter states, “The Christian fathers got little opportunity of holding religious discussions with Akbar or influencing him in favour of Christianity. Akbar silenced Xavier by telling him that the freedom accorded to him in preaching his religion was itself a great service.”

Ain-i-Akbari. Abul Fazal writes, “…he [Husayn Khan, Akbar’s governor at Lahore] ordered the Hindus as unbelievers to wear a patch (Tukra) near the shoulders, and thus got the nick name of Tukriya (patcher).”

Monserrate, a contemporary of Akbar, writes, “the religious zeal of the Musalmans has destroyed all the idol temples which used to be numerous. In place of Hindu temples, countless tombs and little shrines of wicked and worthless Musalmans have been erected in which these men are worshipped with vain superstition as though they were saints.”

Another thing is said about Jodha- Akbar.. let me tell u no historical facts and evidence are there for Jodhabai!! Akbar married a princess in Rajasthan but it was bcoz of deal with .. he married a princess but it was not bcoz of any secularism.. it was just a political deal..

Ashirbadi Lal srivastav induan historian writes in book Akbar the great[pg 62]. That King bharmal in order to rescue his three niece make marriage alliance with Akbar!! No secularism!!!

Another aspect of Akbar, he wanted to make birbal jagir of Nagarkot, he captures local king Raja jai chand, he sent Husain Quali khan to invade Nagarkot, he invaded and destroy the jwalamukhi temple there.. They kill 200 black cows in temples who belongs to goddess jwalamukhi..

Akbar soldier filled shoes with blood and threw at temples.. they killed brahmins priests of temples!!! Lakhs of Pahadi hindu pilgrims were looted with gold, silver and precious things and after they slaughtered lakhs of them!!! 
[source: MUNTAKHAB'UT- TAWARIKH by baduani]…

So all those who consider him as great are living in illusions!! To politically unite people he uses mind to attract people but his above actions can be seen !!! He himself said hindu as kafirs, enslaved women, destroy temples.. we are looking at him from Abu- Fazl lens..

I hasn't copy exact from book, but almost all points are evident!! U can verify it from following books and contemporary works!!

Source: [the work of contemporary monseratte, akbarnama, Vincent Smith, Dr srivastav, Xavier work on Akbar religious point of view!!!]

A presentation by PRINCE YADAV.

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1Thank you for reading and giving your time. Stay with the blog to explore some more knowledge and information to deepen your roots in this ever growing world.

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